Program designed by Perla Montelongo, Roberto Cárdenas and Claudia Hidalgo
Break Altavista
How might we create a food business that is both nutritious and affordable for students? Mixing two interests of our young participants – food and money – we designed this program to teach the basics of business design with House of Invention's creative twist.
Through fun dynamics, we learned how to create a budget, calculate profits, and design a business based on customers' needs. We came up with innovative pricing models, like a price roulette and a trivia pricing system (giving discounts if you answered questions from upcoming school tests).
Finally we made our dishes look tastier with food photography tricks, and then tested our product with potential customers. The result? A culinary business named 'Break Altavista.'
We started with a reflection on what a business entails, what we want from a business and most importantly: how to be ethical and sustainable.
Brainstorm time! Getting creative with innovative pricing systems.
Pricing roulette
Time to learn how to make our food look better. Thank you Mónica Blumen for such a wonderful workshop!
Looks really good, isn't it?
100% Yummygraphic
Final touches with photoshop
The next step was to actually prepare the sandwiches so they can be tested by customers
Guten apetit!